4 Steps to Market Your Real Estate App on Instagram to Grow Your Network

September 2, 2024

Find out how real estate agents are growing an Instagram following to convert leads with their App.

For many real estate agent’s the question of which social media platform to invest your time in is a looming question. Between showings, closings and mountains of paperwork, you only have so much time to pour into your social media efforts. But if you want to stay that busy - marketing yourself on social media is essential.

Why is Instagram important for real estate?

Why is Instagram important for real estate?

Remember - Your social media is the macaroni to your App’s cheese. Instagram is an excellent place to find people who love the market or neighborhoods that you work in. The problem is, social media isn’t the best tool for sustaining these relationships.

If you bring those followers into your App however, you bring them into your ecosystem and start on a longer journey of relationship building that can span a lifetime.

4 Steps to Market Your App On Instagram

#1 Set up Your Instagram for Business Account

With over 1 Billion active users, Instagram for real estate agents is a proven content marketing platform. Because of its robust analytics, targeted advertising and its already active audience, it is a very attractive option for a growing real estate company or team. And it is full of leads ready to buy and sell homes!

To set up your Instagram for Business Account:

#1 Set up Your Instagram for Business Account
  1. In settings, find Account and tap Switch to Professional Account.
  2. Pick a category that best describes your business, then select Business.
  3. You’re all set, you’ve got an Instagram business account.
  4. Now complete your profile using the tips below.

Pro Tip, Create a Clear Bio. Prioritize clarity over cleverness.

When setting up your Insta bio, use an inviting profile picture or your company’s logo. Also, include a written bio that offers a  quick description of what it is that you do and where you do it.

If you can create a little bit of credibility in your bio, then do it! (In Britt Shook's bio below, she mentions that she gives a red carpet experience or if you are in the in the top 1%, for example)

Add your App link  — and viola! You’re up and running.

[caption id="attachment_1525" align="alignnone" width="640"]

Create a Clear Bio: Add a profile picture and a bio (which should include a link to your App).

#2 Create Engaging Content & Build a Following

A strong following starts with authentic content. There are three rules of thumb to grow your Instagram following: get started, create content and post it consistently. As an agent you have endless knowledge and experiences to share. Three easy themes to start with are educational, storytelling and emotional.

To dive deeper into how to create from these themes read our full content post here or to get a jumpstart, below are a few of our favorite Content Topics for agents.

Content Topics

#3 Promote Your App - Consistently

You have 2.7 seconds to grab someone's attention online, no pressure.

Having an Instagram for Business account and getting content out there are great first steps, but you need to continue to post consistently and clearly to see results.

The real goal of marketing your business on Instagram is to build authority, generate leads and take them to the next step of working together. If you Market your App on your Instagram, it will help you to do just that.

Pro Tip: Use your App as your Call To Action on all posts & stories [to gain App users]

Use Your App as Your Call to Action

A CTA or Call to Action in marketing is an invitation for a user to take action, like going to your website or downloading your App.

The Rule of 7 states that it takes people 5-7 times of seeing a CTA before they take your desired next step. So don't just post about your App once - be consistent. Build it into your marketing plan and shamelessly post about it on all your channels to ensure you move those Instagram leads to App users and then clients.

Once you get people to download your App, you are digitally connected and can start on the longer journey of working together, for years to come.

#4 Use Instagram Stories

With 500 million daily users, Instagram Stories are a simple and fun way to share property photos, virtual tours, and even your everyday adventures in real estate.

Each story only lasts for 24 hours and it will disappear once your story has expired. This also makes it a less intimidating way to get started. Here is a great resource for getting started in Instagram Stories. And don't forget Stories are a great place to add your App as your CTA too!

Coming Soon Instagram Story

For more app tips follow us on Instagram @homestackapps and find out how top agents are using their App to grow their following  + convert more leads to clients.

Learn about building a white label real estate app.

Learn more about building a white-label app for your real estate team or brokerage.


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