How to Use Tags + Custom Push Notifications to Build Relationships and Your Pipeline

September 2, 2024

You can now Tag users in your real estate agent app to send Custom Push Notifications to specific groups. Combining these features, allows you to stay top of mind, build stronger relationships and carve out attractive markets to dominate.

In today’s competitive market, an agent needs a digital yet personal approach to engage the right prospects and build meaningful relationships. With thousands of agents all sending the same templated marketing, your efforts can come off generic and leave your pipeline empty. To help you stand out, we're excited to release - Tagged Custom Push Notifications!

New - Filter by Tag in Your App
Here’s what you need to know about this powerful double feature, Tags + Push Notifications (if you are Pro) and how they can help you:
  • Create a system to categorize leads and prospects by Farm, Sphere, Buyer Intention and more for efficient follow up for years to come
  • Stay top-of-mind using Tagged Push Notifications to target and personalize outreach to a client group, market, community, price point and more
  • Build an ecosystem to easily manage users and marketing all in one central pipeline to help you stay on top of communications

Using Tags to Personalize, Organize and Convert

For most homebuyers, the purchase of their home is not only the largest, but most personal transaction of their life.

In a recent survey, 96% of marketers felt that personalized outreach advanced customer relationships and 88% said that they perceived a measurable lift in business.

By Tagging users in your real estate app, for example by "Seller", "Luxury Client" or "First Time Buyer", it allows you to customize outreach that will touch on user preferences, feel personal to them and result in a deeper connection and win them over in the long run.

Create Custom Tags in Your Dashboard

Combine Tags + Custom Push Notifications to Stand Out and Connect

In a world where people are bombarded with generic emails, Custom Push Notifications are outweighing email marketing with better results. When compared, push notification campaigns observe opening rates increase by 50%, click rate by 7 times, and retention rates by 93%.

Simply put, if clients receive communications from you that speak to their specific interests, direct to their mobile device, they’re more likely to stick with you over your competitors.

Send Tagged Groups Custom Push Notifications

For example send a Custom Push Notification to your "First Time Buyer" Tag about an informational happy hour you are hosting or send to a  "Neighborhood" Tag about a community yard sale. By sending to segmented Tags you're likely to resonate with those groups and spark more engagement with you and your agent real estate app.

Pro-tip: Make your marketing even easier by pre-scheduling your custom push notifications. You can now pick from a calendar the date and time you want specific notifications to go out  – saving you time and effort while still keeping your clients in-the-know.

A single push notification to new subscribers during the first week since app installation can boost retention rates by 71%

Have you sent a custom push notification yet? Log into your Agent Dashboard to start leveraging this feature today!

Here's how Brack Mosshart of Ten Oaks Real Estate uses push notifications to stand out and build business in his community.

Ready to learn more about building a white label app?  Already have an App and want to go Pro? You can find more info HERE.

Learn more about building a white-label app for your real estate team or brokerage.


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