How to Brand Yourself as a Real Estate Leader [in a Competitive Market]

July 27, 2023

Successful real estate teams and brokerages possess two essential qualities: a strong leader and a strong brand.

In today’s highly competitive market, real estate brokerages are in a battle to gain the agent-to-consumer relationship because it directly affects the future of brokerage profits and the ability to attract and retain real estate clients for life. How do the top real estate brokerages achieve this? They utilize the latest real estate technology and they put themselves out there to create a strong personal brand that allows them to strengthen client relationships that span a lifetime.

So the question is, where do you start? We break down how to brand yourself as a real estate leader and share top broker tips to dominate your market and help you stand out from the pack to win more business!

“Personal branding is the process of intentionally creating and influencing the public perception of an individual. This is done by positioning them as an authority in an industry or differentiating them from the competition and increasing their reputation.” - Neil Patel

#1 Identify your Audience and be their real estate expert (even if you don’t know everything yet)

Before you can become a real estate industry leader, you first need to identify who your ideal customers are so you can be the one to answer all of their real estate questions. Learn, what they do for a living, the problems they have, and what motivates them to buy? Taking the time to find your target audience will help you to position yourself as the real estate leader who can easily communicate with them and solve their problems, even if you don’t know everything about your market yet. One of the main qualities that will build loyalty with potential clients is making yourself easily available. This can be done via phone or your own real estate app, but quick responses and modern technology can set you above the rest.

Tim Smith is synonymous with the coastal Orange County real estate market in California and is a frontrunner in the real estate industry. Tim shared with Tom Ferry in the “What’s Hot and What’s not in Luxury Real Estate” podcast, that he advises new agents first get themselves out there, even if they're not an expert yet.

“A big mistake agents make is thinking they need to know everything first...not to say don’t take every chance to learn everything about your market, but do that at night, in the day take every opportunity to get yourself in front of people.” -Tim Smith

#2 Invest in the “right” tools to differentiate you and your team

Once you’ve identified your ideal consumer, now think about what makes you different from your competition. What makes you unique is going to help you define your personal brand as a leader and can be the deciding factor in a prospect choosing to work with you over the real estate brokerage down the street.

Think about these questions: What real estate market do I want to be the expert in? What do I do differently to set my clients up for success? Do I have the latest real estate tools or the best real estate app for my agents that will give my clients an edge?

Khani Zulu, is a co-leader of the top relocation team the Hendrix & Zulu Group. She explained to Tom Ferry in the Supercharge Your Process for Relocation Buyers podcast, how her team's branded real estate app helps them stand out in a hot relocation market. They use their real estate apps Custom Links feature as a curated city guide.

“We send our prospects our custom real estate app that includes links to our favorite local hotspots and restaurants. It’s our own white label app “Austin Homes for Sale” and right away it positions us as the local experts in our market.” - Khani Zulu

#3 Share Your Value - Try Video

A large part of establishing your personal brand as a real estate agent is showing your audience you are a trusted real estate resource. As a realtor it is your job to answer clients burning real estate questions, so why not talk about your listing or answer those client questions on camera.

One of the easiest ways to develop your brand and share value with prospective clients is through video. Creating content either on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok consistently can help you to let people get to know you and connect and build trust with your audience, and get your name out in front of more people.

Shannon Gillette is a top 20 industry leader known for her innovative use of real estate technology (including her Gillette Group real estate app) and video. Shannon shared with Tom Ferry in the “Creating Compelling Listing Real Estate Videos” episode, how she uses video to create a unique personal brand.

"I create a professional 60 second video commercial for every home I list and I am in every one of my videos, because you have to get your face out there there as much as possible to gain that trust. I also make my Instagram like a TV show, which is different and not just a non-stop commercial like how most realtor's use social media." - Shannon Gillette

#4 Market Yourself on Social Media and Engage

In addition to creating videos, you will want to consistently post and interact with your target audience on social media as well. Below are a few ideas to get your creative wheels turning:

  • Stories and testimonials from past satisfied clients
  • Share open houses and new properties on the market from your real estate app
  • Do a real estate Q & A session on a "hot topic"
  • Tell past client success stories or how you got started in real estate
  • Tag your favorite local businesses and trusted vendors

If getting in front of the camera doesn't come naturally, real estate broker Carolyn Young advises you "Fake it til you make it". Carolyn is a nationally recognized industry leader not only for her sales production but also for her team leadership and expertise in marketing and mindset. In the “Listing Presentation Role Play: The 95% Effective Script You Need” podcast, Tom Ferry asked her how she found her confidence?

"Just do it! Even if you feel awkward in the beginning, because I did too, and after awhile it just becomes more natural." -Carolyn Young

Find your style and stay consistent.

Be consistent, different, and willing to flop!

To build a successful real estate business and brand, you have to consistently create content, use tools to help you stand out, and be willing to keep trying if you flop.

Most importantly, go all in. Test new content, ask for feedback, and do more of what works. Allow your personal brand to grow and you will become the visionary real estate leader you have always dreamed of.  

Building a custom real estate app with HomeStack is the key to reinforcing your real estate brand.

Learn more about building a white-label app for your real estate team or brokerage.


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